A taxi driver takes their picture and captures the encounter of two people who are meant for each other. Shortly afterwards, Cosmo, the aspiring writer, and Sophie are abruptly separated. Now Cosmo’s search for his soul mate starts, pursuing the light of creation, nature, history and fulfilling love. Literature is his medium to find his kindred spirit.
Cosmo develops his very own, modern, unconventional, dynamic writing style which is characterized by ingenious neologisms. Hence, he can convey a variety of modern sentiments. On several narrative levels the author gives the reader the opportunity to take part in Cosmo’s and Sophie’s world. Both are passionately striving for the same goal: encompassing peace for mankind.
But the lovers need allies to realize this vision of universal peace.
By fateful chance, they meet Jonit and Uriel, a Jewish couple, as well as Sema and Aladin, a Muslim couple, in Frankfurt. They all coalesce in order to accomplish their common goal: Jerusalem, the holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims, should finally live up to its name again. Starting in Jerusalem, peace will conquer the world!
Schalom, Salam, Shalim!
We accompany Cosmo from the Holy City to Germany, Switzerland, France and South America and back to Jerusalem and dive into the exciting and diversified encounters with the three couples.
Their search for mutual esteem, respect and understanding is always accompanied by the divine spark of love. This love provides the strength for hope to grow. And hope fosters a culture of peace in a world overshadowed by conflict and war.

© Hans Schafgans DGPh
Thomas Solbach.
Peace poet from Morsbach.
Born in Wissen in 1970,
educated in Siegen
in business management and economics,
worked in Frankfurt/Main,
discovered as a writer in Cologne.